Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Magic of Straws

There is something magical about straws. L who is five has decided that chocolate milk isn't the same without straws. In fact she won't even drink chocolate milk without a straw. Not just any straw, but a straw that she has picked out herself. It doesn't matter that she picked out the same color or even the same straw that I had just offered her just moments before. If she picks it out, its hers, and hence better in her mind. Straw magic isn't lost on my 15yo either, she says that ice water tastes alot better when you drink it with a straw. M loves to tie his bendable straw into a knot and then drink. Of course he is 8yo, but I understand that he learned the trick from P who is 15.

 Wow the magic of a simple straw, and if it is a bendable straw even better

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