Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Our Journey with Food Allergies

Some people think that with 7 kids I would have seen everything kids have to offer in the adventure of parenting. To be honest we have had our share of broken bones, surgeries, ER visits, mysterious rashes, bug bites, burns, and other assorted medical stuff. The neighbor kids even call me Dr. Mom when I have been called over to triage injuries or guess on what is causing the latest fever. But I never anticipated a food allergy with baby #7, his baby acne morphed into eczema, at least that is what the Dr's supposed initially thought. It was actually an offhand remark from the pediatrician that made me even consider a possible food allergy. He just mentioned that one of his kids would sometimes get eczema (since that does run in the family)and to just keep adding lotion. Well an elimination diet didn't get me answers but a food allergy test did. It came back and he is allergic to milk, eggs, wheat, soy, and peanuts. We also figured out he was also reacting to sunflower/safflower oil. An illicit coco puff or two dropped by a sibling confirmed just how sensitive he is currently to wheat. Not to mention that huge plate of scrambled eggs I ate the morning the results came in, to bad the Dr. didn't call earlier, I might have gotten some sleep that night. It hasn't gotten rid of all the itchies, but it is now managable.

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